Our core bankruptcy practice helps individuals with all of their debt and insolvency needs, primarily in the areas of Chapters 7 and 13. As a certified specialist in bankruptcy law, David A. Arietta personally evaluates each financial situation to determine if bankruptcy is the best solution, and if so, recommends what type would best pertain to the situation. Individuals come to us to get relief and piece of mind. David is not only your attorney but is also your counselor. He will go over your options and help relieve your stress. He will show you ways to stop collection calls and harassment, lawsuits, wage garnishments, bank levies, and repossessions. He will also go over your options if your receive a foreclosure notice or are facing an actual sale of your property.
Individuals can seek to discharge a variety of general unsecured debts like medical bills and credit cards. In some situations, all or a portion of your income taxes can be discharged. A repayment arrangement might be necessary for mortgage arrears or back child/spousal support. An individual with a sole proprietorship may want to do Chapter 13 to continue operations while eliminating debt.
What do you do next?
David would like you to fill out a personal bankruptcy questionnaire. Send it back to our office and David will personally go over it with you and discuss the best options for you.
The two main types of bankruptcy for individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is often referred to as a “straight” bankruptcy or a “liquidation” bankruptcy and Chapter 13 is a type of bankruptcy that allows for the reorganization of debts for individuals and small businesses.
(Our office has no control over the date or time) Approximately 20 to 40 days after your filing date—the court will mail a letter to you with the exact date & time.
All meeting of creditors will be via Zoom. You will get instructions about it.