Chapter 13 is a type of bankruptcy that allows for the reorganization of debts for individuals. Corporations cannot file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy relief. In most cases, individuals and couples with some source of regular income are allowed to keep their property and pay a percentage of their debts over time. The most important benefit is that it often protects a home from foreclosure or a car from repossession. In addition, individuals with sole proprietorships are allowed to operate and reorganize their debts without having to close their business.

- For individuals and sole proprietorships, offering a platform for debt reorganization.
- Exclusively available to individuals and couples with regular income, it permits retention of property while repaying a portion of debts over a period.
- A pivotal advantage is the safeguarding of assets such as homes from foreclosure and vehicles from repossession.
- Sole proprietors benefit from the opportunity to continue operations and restructure debts without necessitating business closure.
Furthermore, Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides a structured repayment plan, giving debtors a manageable path towards financial stability. This arrangement not only alleviates immediate financial strain but also fosters a framework for long-term debt management and eventual debt discharge, offering individuals a chance for a fresh financial start.
An individual, even if self-employed, is eligible for chapter 13 relief as long as the individual’s non-contingent, liquidated secured and unsecured debts are no more than $2,750,000.
A Chapter 13 generally gives a debtor a three to five year period to make installment payments to repay credit obligations. The debtor proposes Chapter 13 plan which will be administered by a Chapter 13 Trustee. The plan specifies a repayment schedule that covers both secured and unsecured debt. Rather than making payments directly to creditors, a debtor makes payments to the Chapter 13 Trustee who then distributes it to the creditors according to the terms of the Plan. A Chapter 13 filing requires that a debtor have a verifiable source of regular income. An individual often files a Chapter 13 when they either have too many assets or too much income to qualify for a Chapter 7 or when they have debts that would not be dischargeable under a Chapter 7, such as recent tax obligations or child support payments. It is also a common solution for individuals who are behind on mortgage payments or are facing a foreclosure because they can cure the default over the plan period or propose some other solution like the sale of the property.

Sole proprietorships can utilize the benefits of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The business may not want to stop operations and file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief. A Chapter 13 reorganization can give the business the benefits of the automatic stay while it seeks to reorganize its debts. Leases can be assumed or rejected. Tax claims can be paid over time without further interest accruing and penalties may be discharged. General business creditors can be paid a portion of what is owed. Chapter 13 provides an efficient and cost-effective framework for sole proprietor businesses.
Contact us at (925) 472-8000 for more information or if you have any questions.
Chapter 13 is a type of bankruptcy in which a debt repayment plan is used to consolidate debts and make payments on your debt over a 3 to 5 year time frame. You file a plan with the bankruptcy court and you make payments to a Chapter 13 Trustee, based upon your ability to pay. There is no requirement that unsecured creditors be paid anything in a Chapter 13 but are usually paid some percentage on the dollar. Unsecured debts stop accruing interest during the life of your plan. Chapter 13 is also called the “wage earner” bankruptcy and requires that you have a steady source of income, such as wages, self-employment income, unemployment income, or social security income, to be eligible.
A Chapter 13 plan is the filed document that a bankruptcy debtor presents to the bankruptcy court. It is the roadmap for the rest of the case. The plan is served on all creditors and states the amount of money the debtor will pay to the Chapter 13 trustee on a monthly basis, the duration of the plan, and the amounts to be paid to each class of creditors. For instance, it might state that mortgage arrears and back taxes will be paid off at no interest over a sixty month period. It also might provide for the surrendering of a car to provide for a car lender’s secured claim or it might give the debtor the ability to strip a wholly unsecured second mortgage. A plan is flexible and might have provisions to account for an anticipated increase in income or the sale of a property.
A Chapter 13 plan must be approved by the bankruptcy court. That process is called confirmation. A case can be recommended for confirmation by the Chapter 13 trustee at the initial meeting of creditors if everything is progressing normally in a case. The court would then issue the confirmation order a few days thereafter. In some cases, a creditor may file an objection to confirmation which means that the matter will be heard in front of a bankruptcy judge at a confirmation hearing. Once the objection is resolved, the judge will sign a confirmation order. In any event, a case cannot move forward without the debtor’s Chapter 13 plan being confirmed at some point. If a plan cannot be confirmed, the case will be dismissed.
Yes. A debtor can file a motion at any point during the case to modify the terms of a confirmed Chapter 13 plan. A debtor may have lost a job or had a medical problem and need to reduce his or her plan payments. Sometimes a debtor just gets behind on the plan payments and cannot get caught up absent a modification. The debtor might be facing the possible dismissal of the case. A motion must be filed on notice to all creditors with supporting evidence. If there are no objections the bankruptcy court can approve the terms of a modified plan. The debtor can then stay in Chapter 13 and still receive a discharge.
A Chapter 13 trustee is an individual who is appointed by the court to act as the trustee to the bankruptcy estate of each person who files for Chapter 13 bankruptcy relief. The trustee’s duties are to collect payments from the debtor, make payments to creditors, ensure that the plan is followed, and administer the case until it is closed. The trustee also will be the one who will examine the debtor under oath at his or her meeting of creditors.
A Chapter 13 discharge is a court order that releases a debtor from all of his or her dischargeable debts. The discharge also orders creditors not to attempt to collect the debt from the debtor after the case is closed. A debt that is discharged is a debt that the debtor does not have to pay. A Chapter 13 discharge occurs once the Chapter 13 plan is completed. If a debtor cannot complete his or her Chapter 13 plan, the debtor would need to convert the case to Chapter 7 and receive a discharge under that Chapter. A dismissal of a Chapter 13 case does not discharge any debts.
The debts that excluded from discharge in a Chapter 13 are: debts for domestic support obligations (alimony and child support), debts for death or personal injury caused by the debtor’s operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, tax debts attributed to unfiled returns, taxes for which a return was late-filed within the last two years, taxes for which a return was due within the last three years, debts for restitution or criminal fines, debts for fraud, debts for student loans (unless hardship shown), debts for damages in a civil case caused by willful or malicious conduct, debts incurred while the plan was in effect, and debts owed to creditors not given notice of the Chapter 13.
A claim is any right to payment held by a person or entity against a person or entity that filed bankruptcy. The written statement filed in a bankruptcy case setting forth a creditor’s claim is called a proof of claim. The proof of claim should include a copy of the documentation giving rise to the claim, as well as evidence of secured status if the claim is secured. In certain cases, the notice of meeting of creditors sent to all creditors listed includes a proof of claim form. In Chapter 13, a creditor must file a proof of claim to participate in the process.
In a Chapter 13 case, the deadline (bar date) for creditors who have claims against the debtor is detailed in the Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Meeting of Creditors and Deadlines. The date should be not exceed ninety days after the first date set for the Meeting of Creditors. It is longer for government entities.
Lien stripping allows a Chapter 13 debtor to remove a junior mortgage secured against the debtor’s real property. Lien stripping does not apply to first mortgages. Lien stripping is available only for junior mortgages, which means any mortgage that is recorded after the prior (or “senior”) mortgage has been recorded. To qualify for lien stripping, the value of the real property has to be less than the amount owing on the senior mortgage(s). This is generally referred to as being “upside down” on your mortgage. If the value of the property is less than the amount owed on the first mortgage, then a motion can be filed in the bankruptcy court to “strip off” the junior mortgage from the property. Basically, the bankruptcy court values the mortgage as zero as of the date of the bankruptcy filing. Once a junior mortgage is stripped off, it is no longer a lien against the house. All amounts owed on the junior mortgage become an unsecured claim in the Chapter 13. If the Chapter 13 is successfully completed, then the unpaid amount owed on the junior mortgage is discharged and never has to be paid. The mortgage company will then have to reconvey its deed of trust.
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